Strauss: Elektra, Op. 58
Imported and often ships in 2-3 weeks, but may take up to three months.
- Composer: Richard Strauss (1864-1949)
- Format: Full Score
- Instrumentation: Opera
- Work: Elektra, TrV 223, Op. 58
- Size: 10.7 x 14.8 inches
- Pages: 508
- Urtext / Critical Edition
Richard Strauss was pressed for time. While he was still composing for Elektra, he took care of the piano reductions and the orchestral material for the world premiere at the Royal Opera House in Dresden. The present critical revision is based on all musical documents authorized by Strauss. The editors also evaluate all text sources, such as the letters to the publisher Adolph Fürstner. The result is a bug-fixed version with precise articulation marking and autograph bowing options. in a piano reduction arranged by Strauss, there was even an indication of where a break could be set.
- Vorwort
- Einleitung
- Faksimiles
- Elektra, Op. 58
- Kritischer Bericht
- I. Quellenübersicht
- II. Quellenbeschreibung
- III. Quellenbewertung
- IV. Editionsweise and Gestaltung des Notentextes
- V. Editorische Eingriffe and Lesarten
- VI. Dokumentation: Striche
- Abkürzungen and Siglen