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Florence Price

Price: Five Art Songs


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Classical Vocal Reprints  |  SKU: CVR4417


  1. Hold Fast to Dreams (Langston Hughes) Key in D Major - d Minor

plus a transposed higher key, F Major - f Minor

  1. Travel's End (Mary Folwell Hoisington) Key B Major (Low voice)

  2. To My Little Son (Julia Johnson Davis) Key B Major (Medium voice)

  3. Fantasy in Purple (Langston Hughes) Key f Minor (Medium voice)

  4. Sympathy (Paul Laurence Dunbar) Key E-flat (Medium-High voice)

plus a transposed higher key, G Major (High voice)

Classical Vocal Reprints

Price: Five Art Songs



  1. Hold Fast to Dreams (Langston Hughes) Key in D Major - d Minor

plus a transposed higher key, F Major - f Minor

  1. Travel's End (Mary Folwell Hoisington) Key B Major (Low voice)

  2. To My Little Son (Julia Johnson Davis) Key B Major (Medium voice)

  3. Fantasy in Purple (Langston Hughes) Key f Minor (Medium voice)

  4. Sympathy (Paul Laurence Dunbar) Key E-flat (Medium-High voice)

plus a transposed higher key, G Major (High voice)
